Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bree's Protein Packed Blender 'Cakes

Ok. So I said that I would try the blender 'cakes with applesauce, and I did. And it was amazing! But, I kinda shook things up a bit. I changed around the recipe and added a few things. People are always trying to play up healthy foods and pretending that a healthy recipe is good, when in fact it tastes like cardboard- or worse. But truly, honestly to goodness... this recipe is so freakin' good! And super healthy and even has protein in it! Who woulda' thought right?! Even Alli and Kennidee were coming back for seconds, and then asking if we could have it for lunch (and I hadn't even put the topping on yet). If kids like it, you know it has to be good. And it so is...

Bree's Protein Packed Blender 'Cakes:
1 1/3 c fat free milk (plus a few TBSPs if needed)
1 c whole wheat (I used hard red wheat - bought from Wal-Marts food storage area)
4 egg whites
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 TBSP no sugar added applesauce
2 TBSP Splenda (or other no-calorie sweetener) (you can also use honey or sugar)
2 scoops of your favorite brand of protein powder (vanilla flavored)

1. Blend the milk and wheat for 4-5 minutes on high in your blender (until smooth. Any less time, and you will have crunchy cakes)
2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a smaller bowl.
3. Add the eggs mixture to the wheat mix in your blender and process on low. You may need to add a little more milk at this point (like TBSPs at a time). The wheat absorbs the milk pretty quickly, but then again, it's all about preference.
4. Pour batter onto hot skillet/griddle (about 300-350 degrees) using a 1/4 cup measuring cup.
5. Flip when bubbles begin to form on the top of the pancake, and cook two more minutes or until pancake is cooked through.

yield: about 14 pancakes (using a slightly thinner batter)

Fruit topping:
mash your fruits of choice and then add Splenda (or honey or sugar) and cinnamon to your liking.

*Oh yeah, the picture is of the pancakes I made today. I devoured them in about 5 minutes after this photo was taken, and they were so good that I didn't even use butter on them (which I almost consider a SIN). That's sayin something.

Cinnamon has a lot of health benefits. It helps ease arthritis, manage type II diabetes, lower LDL cholesterol and many other things. Look it up and research for your self, it's pretty awesome stuff. Unfortunately the really good stuff (you buy at health food stores) is more expensive, but I think it is worth the cost. The taste is also quite a bit different (in a good way).

I add cinnamon to my breakfast smoothies and it is SO GOOD! Try it, you'll like it... promise.


P.S. If you try it, leave me a comment telling me what you think or how you might have done it different. :)

1 comment:

  1. My kids loved these at your house. I heard all about them. Definitely gonna have to try them. Thanka for posting!
