Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Calling All Eaters!!!

Let's get this rolling again! When and how can we tailor this to make it work for everyone? If it means regular weigh-ins at the same place each week or if it is independent weigh-ins at your convenience, comment about it and let's do this!


  1. Jord- My mom is part of a group like this with some friends. They are required to post (once a week) what they did to try and be more healthy that week- and be accountable for their goals. They occaisionally organize random activities together like hiking, cross-country skiing, 5k's, etc. and then then have occaisional challenges that someone comes up with (ex. no sugar for 2 months)- sometimes with a money pool and a winner. Maybe we could try something like this. Those who want to do weekly weigh-ins and money prizes still can, but some can still participate and be accountable in their weekly posts too.

  2. Here here! Let's do it Jordan. Obviously I won't be weighing in, but I still need to get healthy. I like what we have been doing, and I like some of Steph's suggestions.
